Guelph Water Hardness: Here's How to Fix Your Hard Water Problem

Today we are going to take a look at Guelph water hardness and let you know what can be done about it.

We have over 25 years experience in the water softener industry and we'd love to share our expertise with you.

We will give you detailed information about the problems hard water causes and how you can address those problems. So, let's get started.


Guelph Water Hardness: Learn how to fix it


What Causes Guelph Water Hardness

Hard water is water that has minerals in it, namely calcium and magnesium. Rainwater is actually soft and free of any minerals when it falls from the sky. When rainwater lands on the ground, it picks up minerals as it comes in contact with rock, sand, and soil.

Water found on the ground, such as that found in lakes, rivers, and springs is called groundwater. The groundwater found in the Guelph region is very high in mineral content, especially calcium and magnesium. These two minerals are what cause Guelph water hardness.

Water hardness is measured in mg per litre or grains per gallon (gpg). Guelph water hardness ranges between 359-564 mg/litre (21 and 33 gpg). Any concentration of minerals over 180 mg/litre is considered very hard, so Guelph water hardness is extremely high.

Click here to see a map that will show you Guelph water hardness levels for each part of the city.

Water Classification2.jpg

How to Deal with Water Hardness in Your Home


Install a Water Softener

One of the easiest and most effective solutions to your hard water problem is to install a water softener. Water softeners are designed to remove the calcium and magnesium from your water, thus making it soft again.

This is how a water softener works:

Step 1: Hard water (containing positive calcium and magnesium ions) enters into the resin tank of your water softener.

Step 2: The negatively charged resin beads attract the positively charged calcium and magnesium ions like a magnet.

Step 3: The positive ions attach to the resin beads as the negative sodium ions on the beads are released into the water making it soft.

Step 4: After a while, the resin beads will fill up with hardness ions and won't be able to attract anymore. Your water softener will pump salt brine into the tank to regenerate the beads and remove the calcium and magnesium that is attached to them.

The following infographic will give you an even more detailed explanation about how water softeners work.

water softeners infographic.png

Soften Your Hot Water ONLY

Concerned that your water bill might increase too much by installing a water softener? Or, are you concerned that the increase in water and salt usage may negatively impact the environment?

A great solution is to have your water softener plumbed to just soften the hot water in your home.

This solution will mean that less water is needed for your water softener's backwashing cycle and less salt will end up in your local lakes and rivers as only about 35% of household water use is hot.


You can choose to have your water softener either soften all of your water or just your hot water


Clean Affected Surfaces with Vinegar

Vinegar works well on hard water stains. You can use it to remove mineral deposits that have built up on your tiles, fixtures, sinks, tubs, etc.

Vinegar will also do a great job cleaning out your coffee maker. Simply fill the water reservoir with a solution of half vinegar and half water. Put an empty filter into your machine and turn it on.

Let it go through half of a brewing cycle and then turn it off. Allow your machine to sit for about 30 minutes and then turn it on again to finish out they brewing cycle.


Clean surfaces with mineral build-up with vinegar


SOME Products ARE Designed FOR Hard Water

Some laundry detergents, shampoos and soaps are specially made to work better with hard water. These types of products may cost you a bit more and you may not get the same selection that you normally have.

You could also try rinsing your hair with a solution of 1/4 cup of apple cider vinegar and 3/4 cup of water to help remove any build-up on your hair.


Why Hard Water IS a Problem

When heated, the calcium and magnesium in your hard water precipitate out of your water and attach to items that they come in contact with such as your appliances, pipes, faucets, tubs, sinks, skin, and hair.

These mineral deposits leave behind an unsightly and annoying scale or scum that can cause damage over time. Some of the more common problems include:

Decrease in Water Pressure: You may get a build-up of scale in your pipes that will eventually decrease your water pressure, especially in your hot water pipes.


Hard water can cause a decrease in water pressure and dry skin


Unsightly Film: You may also notice an unsightly film that forms on your bathroom and kitchen tiles and fixtures.

Dry Skin: Hard water will leave behind a soapy film on your skin after showering. It can leave your skin feeling dry.

Limp and Dull Hair: You may find that your shampoo won't rinse out completely so your hair is left looking limp and dull.


Hard water can leave your skin feeling dry and your hair limp


Increase in Energy Bills: Over time, hard water will leave a scale build up in your hot water heater that will cause it to be less efficient, use more energy, and cost you more in energy bills. This is because scale is a poor conductor of heat.

Spotty Dishes: Hard water also affects your glasses and dishes leaving them with a white film or spots even after they have been cleaned.

Unpleasant Hot Drinks: Some people don't like the taste of tea or coffee made with hard water. In addition, if you have hard water, you may notice a foggy scum at the bottom or your drink that is quite unpleasant.


For Guelph Water Hardness - Trust WaterSmart for Water Softener Sales and Service

If you would like to install a water softener, WaterSmart can help. Our experienced staff can advise you on the best system for your needs and we will install and program it to meet the challenges of Guelph water hardness.

If you need water softener repair in the Guelph region, you can trust WaterSmart. We'd be happy to help you with any repair or service on any type of water softener you have, at a reasonable rate.

Our expert, experienced plumbers will come to your home, take a look at your system, and advise you about the best course of action.

Whenever possible, we will fix your existing unit, and if you need a replacement, we can advise you on what type of softener would best meet your needs. We even offer financing. Contact WaterSmart today and start enjoying soft water.


"What a great experience!! I did a search on the internet, called regarding the price of a water softener and the next day it was installed and we had soft water again. Paul removed the old softener, installed and setup the new one and was out in just over an hour. He also noted that the grounding of water pipe was not done by previous installer and he corrected that as well. Cost was the same as softener that was installed 14 years ago - I am impressed." - Larry Roes

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