6 Signs You Are In Need of Water Softener Repair

Let’s talk about 6 signs that let you know that you probably need a water softener repair.

We will take a closer look at the most obvious signs that it's time to get a water softener repair or service and explain how your water softener works.

A. 6 signs you are in need of water softener repair:

  1. Decreased Salt Use

  2. White Film on Appliances/Dishes

  3. Soaps or Detergents Aren’t Lathering

  4. Dry Skin or Hair

  5. Decrease in Water Pressure

  6. Tub or Sink Stains

B. Things You Can Check Before You Call a Professional

C. What Is Hard Water?

We have almost 30 years of experience in the water softener industry, and we'd love to share our expertise with you!


6 Signs You Need Water Softener Repair

1. Decreased Salt Use

Over time, you may find that you are filling your water softener less often. It might take you a while to notice this change as it is usually a gradual process.

If you haven't decreased the amount of water that you are using, but you find that you are using less salt in your softener, then this is probably a sign that you need a water softener repair.

For example, if you normally add a bag of salt every month and now you are adding one every two to three months, then you need to get it checked out.


If you aren’t using as much salt in your softener, it may not be working properly.

2. White Film on Appliances/Dishes

Scale, also known as limescale, is a hard and chalky substance that can build up on your water-using appliances and in your plumbing.

It comes from the calcium and magnesium that is in hard water.

You may also notice that your dishes have watermarks or the same film on them after they are washed.

If this is the case, then it's probably time for a water softener repair.


If you have water marks on your dishes, it may be time for a repair.

3. Soaps or Detergents Aren’t Lathering

If you need a water softener repair, then you may notice that the soaps that you use around the house are not lathering up the way they usually do.

When you are washing the dishes, you may find that you need to use more detergent than usual to get enough bubbles. Or, when you are showering, you may find that your shampoo and body wash don't give you the lather you want.

This is because the calcium and magnesium found in your hard water react with your soap to form a "scum." This scum doesn't dissolve in water. Because some of your soap is used to make up this scum, there is less left over to form bubbles.

If you use detergent instead of soap, you won't get scum, but like soap, some of your detergent is used up reacting to the calcium and magnesium and therefore, less is left over for making bubbles.


Less lather means your water might be hard.

4. Dry Skin or Hair

The minerals from hard water settle on our skin and hair.

Because soap doesn't dissolve well in hard water, it isn't able to effectively rinse these deposits off.

The residue left behind from hard water can:

If your skin and hair start to feel drier than normal, then you may need your water softener repaired.

5. Decrease in Water Pressure

Hard water can leave deposits on the inside of your pipes.

Over time, the build-up of these deposits will decrease the diameter of your pipes, meaning that less water can flow through them.

As a result, you will notice a decrease in your water pressure.

If your water softener is doing its job, then you shouldn't be getting a build-up in your pipes. If not, then you need to get a water softener repair.


Hard water build up in your pipes may give you less water pressure.

6. Tub or Sink Stains

If your water is hard, it can leave behind stains on your sinks and tubs as it evaporates.

These plaster-like stains are calcium and magnesium deposits.

They can build up and make your sink and tub look dull.

If you have enough salt in your water softener and you are still getting these stains, then it may be time for a water softener repair.


Learn when you need to call a plumber for water softener repair.

Things You Can Check Before You Call a Professional

The following are a few things that you can try before you call a professional for a water softener repair.

Is your water softener plugged in properly?

  • If you don't see any display on your water softener, check to make sure that the cord is plugged in securely to the outlet and hasn't been knocked loose.

  • You should also make sure that you haven't blown a breaker. Take a look at your fuse box and flip the switch back if it has switched off.

Do you have a salt bridge?

  • A salt bridge is a hard layer of salt that can form a bridge-like covering in your water softener tank.

  • When you look inside your tank, you may think that it is full of salt, however, under the bridge, the salt may be gone.

  • When the water comes in at the bottom of your tank, it never gets high enough to reach the salt.

  • You need to remove this bridge from your water softener. The video below will give you a few helpful tips for removing a salt bridge.

Is your clock properly timed?

  • Check to see if the clock on your water softener is set properly for the backwash cycles. Follow the instructions in your owner's manual to reset the clock if it is incorrect.

Are your hardness settings set properly?

  • Check to make sure that your hardness settings are still set at the levels that you prefer. Adjust them according to the instructions in your manual if they aren't.


A salt bridge can prevent your water softener from working properly

What Is Hard Water?

If you have hard water, that means that there are large amounts of calcium, magnesium, and possibly other minerals such as iron in your water.

Water hardness is determined by how many milligrams of minerals are found in each litre of water. If you have more than 17 mg/litre, then your water is considered to be hard.

A water softener removes the calcium and magnesium ions from your water that make it hard. The following infographic explains this process in detail.


For Water Softener Repair in the Kitchener-Waterloo Region - Trust WaterSmart

If you need a water softener repair in the Kitchener-Waterloo region, you can trust WaterSmart. We'd be happy to help you with any repair or service on any type of water softener you have, at a reasonable rate.

Our expert, experienced plumbers will come to your home, take a look at your system, and advise you about the best course of action.

Whenever possible, we will fix your existing unit, and if you need a replacement, we can advise you on what type of softener would best meet your needs. We even offer financing.


"I purchased a water softener through Watersmart and I was very pleased with the whole process. I did not know much about water softeners but the salesman helped inform me how they work and which unit would work best for me. The install went great without any surprises and the unit works great. Would recommend to anyone"

- Steve

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